Apprenticeship at DE-VAU-GE



Industrial clerk in the first year of training

How did you find out about DE-VAU-GE?

DE-VAU-GE is one of the largest cereal producers in Europe. The website and the products convinced me to send off my application.

What did you expect from your training and have your dreams come true?

My expectations and wishes were definitely fulfilled. I work on projects, take responsibility for individual subtasks of day-to-day business and am involved in everyday work. Our corporate principles include the appreciative behavior of superiors towards trainees. This doesn’t give you the feeling of just being an apprentice.

What tasks did you particularly enjoy during your apprenticeship?

So far I have enjoyed the tasks assigned to the field instructors because I was challenged and involved in the day-to-day process. I particularly liked the fact that I was allowed to participate in projects and took on individual projects.

What are the prospects you have after training?

Incredibly many. After the training, I can work in almost any administrative area, take on project work and continue my education, for example to become a business administrator.

Lüneburg, 2018


Dual studies in business administration in the third year of apprenticeship

What is special about the dual study program?

Compared to a normal full-time course, dual students have the advantage of being able to apply the theoretical content directly to their practice. In this way, the theory deepens better and the operation or individual processes can be examined from a different angle. The practice transfer projects (PTPs) that are written for each module also contribute to this. In it, an aspect of the lecture is linked to operational reality and analyzed.

The Berufsakademie is a small, private university with classes the size of school classes. The lecturers sometimes know the students by name and always have an open ear for problems with the lecture material or finding a topic for PTPs or homework. The distances, including to the managing director of the vocational academy, are short. Criticism is perceived and, if possible, implemented. What is also special is that after 3 years of study and training you have 2 degrees: Industrial clerk and Bachelor of Arts in business administration.

Why did you decide to do a dual degree?

After school I did practical work for a long time, so a normal course of study was out of the question for me. A dual course of study combines the very theoretical part with practical everyday business life. This makes theoretical content easier to understand and applying it to your own company deepens your understanding of the processes and decisions. Theoretically, an apprenticeship consisting of theoretical vocational school lessons and practice in the company would have been an option. But the dual study program appealed to me even more because it is demanding and goes deeper into the subject matter.

What does your everyday work look like?

My day-to-day work varies depending on the department. In the morning I organize myself and write down the tasks I left behind from the previous day. I check my emails and add to my to-do list. Sometimes there are regular tasks in the departments, which I take care of accordingly. Sometimes I also work on a project. Then consultation with the superiors and colleagues is necessary.

At lunchtime, all trainees and dual students eat together in the canteen and chat. The working hours differ depending on the department, but mostly you can choose when you come and go. Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. are the lectures in the vocational academy. A lecture lasts almost 3 hours, with a break in the middle. There is no fixed timetable, the lectures vary each week. That way it doesn’t get boring.

What modules are there at the university?

In the 3 years of study we have a total of 34 modules (subjects). These are roughly divided into communication in science and practice (e.g. scientific work and English), propaedeutics (e.g. math), value creation (e.g. accounting), management (e.g. controlling), economics (e.g. microeconomics and monetary policy) and law (e.g. labor law). You can also specialize in the 5th and 6th semesters in the area of special business administration, either in controlling or in marketing.

What inspires you / inspired you about the dual study program?

I particularly like the alternation between the vocational academy and the company. So I not only sit in lectures, but also get to know the already varied everyday work. The dual course of study prepares me better for working life than a normal course of study. I also think the personal atmosphere at the vocational academy is great. They are not large lecture halls, but small groups that learn together and almost always stay together over the 3 years of study. The lecturers come from universities and very often also from practice and can enrich the lecture material with practical examples.

What should a future dual student bring with them?

Self-organization is the first thing that comes to mind. With the variety of tasks at the vocational academy and the work – for example PTPs, homework, proof of training, projects in the company, follow-up and preparation of lectures – you can’t do without time management. Therefore, good stamina is also an advantage. Fun and interest in the content of the lectures and the work in the company make studying much easier.

As a last point, independent work is of course necessary, because this is a prerequisite, above all for the vocational academy, but also at work. But don’t worry, it doesn’t all have to be perfect right away. After all, you study to learn. Colleagues, superiors, lecturers and fellow students are there to support you both at the vocational academy and at work.

What are your future career plans?

I haven’t decided where I want to go yet. I have a lot of opportunities with the two degrees. I can well imagine continuing to work for DE-VAU-GE. At some point I would like to start my own business. But I don’t know exactly which idea.

Lüneburg, 2018


Mechatronics technician in the third year of training

What did you expect from your training and have your dreams come true?

I expected that the areas of metalworking and electrical engineering would be covered in a variety of ways and that I would particularly learn to understand the communication and linkages of systems. My expectations were definitely met here. Collegial cohesion was also important to me from the start, and you can clearly find that at DE-VAU-GE.

What tasks did you particularly enjoy during your apprenticeship?

What I enjoyed most was our large trainee project, in which we made a suggestion for improving a machine. The improvements should automate the machine. We were free to decide on the project and to construct and program everything ourselves. If we had any questions, we could of course contact our colleagues. Ultimately, the improvement was also implemented on the machine, and we were particularly proud of that.

What are the prospects you have after training?

What I enjoyed most was our large trainee project, in which we made a suggestion for improving a machine. The improvements should automate the machine. We were free to decide on the project and to construct and program everything ourselves. If we had any questions, we could of course contact our colleagues. Ultimately, the improvement was also implemented on the machine, and we were particularly proud of that.

Lüneburg, 2019


Industrial mechatronics technician in the third year of training

What did you expect from your training and have your dreams come true?

I expected from the training that I would get solid basic knowledge about handling steel and its treatment and processing, but also about the functions of the machines at DE-VAU-GE and their repair. A big wish on my part was that I would also learn to work independently and that I would be given the opportunity to do so. My expectations were met to my complete satisfaction.

What tasks did you particularly enjoy during your apprenticeship?

I particularly enjoyed working with the experienced employees. The knowledge about the machines and about mechanics in general was conveyed to us well during the cooperation. Repairing pumps was one of my favorite tasks

What are the prospects you have after training?

Of course, nothing stands in the way of further training to become a technician or master craftsman, but a degree in mechanical engineering is also an option. I would personally like to obtain my master’s certificate after gaining further experience at DE-VAU-GE.

Lüneburg, 2019


Specialist for warehouse logistics in the second year of training

How did you get your apprenticeship?

I came to this company as a temporary worker. First in the repackage, later as a forklift driver and finally I applied for an apprenticeship.

What did you expect from your training and have your dreams come true?

Above all, I wanted new challenges and I was not disappointed. I do a variety of jobs and I’m always learning something new.

What tasks did you particularly enjoy during your apprenticeship?

I especially like the abundance of different activities. Lots of work on the computer, sometimes driving a forklift, making phone calls, checking goods, issuing papers, operating machines, etc. It never gets boring and no two days are the same.

What are the prospects you have after training?

The prospects look very good both in this profession in general and specifically in the company DE-VAU-GE. Taking on the trainees is in the interest of the company, as the HR manager assured us on the first day, so I’m very confident. Inventory management does not work without logistics, so I think that logisticians have a future-proof job.

Lüneburg, 2018


Machine and plant operator in the second year of training

What did you expect from your training and have your dreams come true?

My expectations were that I would be introduced to the operation and the various mechanisms of the machines in order to adapt them to the current situation, i.e. to set up, convert, maintain and much more. I wanted to be involved in the team and the work processes and have fun at work, and that’s how it is. In some cases, I can already operate machines on my own or I am assigned other tasks.

What tasks did you particularly enjoy during your apprenticeship?

What I like best is working on the machines, i.e. operating them independently and all the processes associated with it, i.e. setting up or changing over, for example.

What are the prospects you have after training?

With good performance, the training can be extended by one year to become a food technology specialist. But direct entry into professional life is also possible immediately after the training, because machine and system operators are also a cog for a smooth production process.

What tips do you have for anyone who is also interested in an apprenticeship here?

If you are interested in technical connections and like to work on large machines, then this is the right job for you. Be punctual and reliable, that’s the be-all and end-all. It’s also important to be physically resilient and flexible, since we work in three shifts.

Lüneburg, 2018

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