Lüneburg Apprentices Team Event

To set goals for yourself, to face challenges, and celebrate successes as a team. All this is part of an apprenticeship at the DE-VAU-GE.

This is how the apprentice teams from the production, technical department, and administration, with a diversity of seven apprenticeships in Lüneburg, spent an afternoon together in the climbing park Scharnebeck. For some this was fun, for others a challenge, for another part of it even a great obstacle to overcome. However, together they dared climb their way up and found ways through the climbing parcours with each other.

This is also how it is in the daily life and in the apprenticeship. There are obstacles to face and overcome, and sometimes there are different ways that require decision-making. When you have a team, friends, or likeminded people at your side, challenges often become easier, you can motivate each other, and will more often and more successfully reach the desired results than by yourself.