Applicant day 2024

Successful applicant day at DE-VAU-GE Gesundkostwerk Deutschland GmbH in Lüneburg
On June 20, 2024, DE-VAU-GE Gesundkostwerk Deutschland GmbH in Lüneburg opened its doors to job seekers. 43 interested applicants came to find out about the company and possible positions. The idea generator and managing director, Dr. Rüdiger Kühl initiated the project, and Ms. Krüger, human resources officer, organized the day in advance. Thanks to them and the project team’s commitment and enthusiasm for the company, the day turned out to be a complete success.
Recruiting began in the afternoon with the welcoming of the applicants, some of whom appeared with and some without application documents – exactly as planned. The diversity of the participants was impressive: the applicants came from different nations and had both long-term and short-term professional experience. The aim of the day was to keep the application hurdles as low as possible.
The event included the presentation of the company video, which gave the applicants an insight into the working world and the values of DE-VAU-GE Gesundkostwerk Deutschland GmbH. Short job interviews then took place, which were conducted by three speakers. These interviews offered the opportunity to first get to know the people better – without any references or certificates – and to gain an impression of their skills and personality. The focus for us is on people and their abilities.
It was particularly pleasing that four hiring commitments were made on the same day. Further discussions are taking place with many other promising applicants, which we hope will lead to further recruitment. The applicants covered all job profiles that the company offers and impressed with their individual skills and not just perfect CVs.
With this measure we have clearly hit the nerve of the times. The success of the project was due not least to the committed and joyful commitment of the entire project team.